One of the most common questions we get from our customers in the greenhouse is “What plants are pet-friendly?”. We know that many of you have curious pets at home and want to keep them safe. We’ve compiled a list of our top “pet-safe” houseplants for you to enjoy. Keep in mind that just because they are deemed pet-friendly, does not mean your pets should have them for dinner. They may still have an upset stomach if they eat them, but it won’t harm them like some of the more toxic plants would. Don’t hesitate to ask a staff member if you need help locating any of these plants in the greenhouses. Top Pet-Friendly Houseplants:
African Violet
Air Plants
Baby’s Tears
Boston Fern
Calathea & Prayer Plants
Cast Iron Plant
Christmas Cactus
Fishbone Cactus
Goldfish Plant
Lipstick Plant
Money Tree
Norfolk Pine
Most Palms, including Ponytail Palm, Bella Palm, Areca Palm, Bamboo Palm, Majesty Palm, and more!
Pilea Peperomioides aka Chinese Money Plant
Polka Dot Plant
Some Succulents: Burro’s Tail, Echeveria and Haworthia
Spider Plant
Staghorn Fern
String of Turtles
Venus Fly Trap